-Participants will be shooting steel knock-down or swingers at three distances from 20 to 75 yards. Participants will shoot from three shooting positions.
-Position #1 will have a shooting distance between 20 yards and 35 yards. Participants will only shoot from a standing position with no props permitted at these distances.
-Position #2 will have a shooting distance between 36 and 50 yards. Participants may use any shooting position (excluding prone) with the vertical post prop or crossed sticks as the only aid.
-Position #3 will have a shooting distance of 51 yards and 75 yards. Participants may use any shooting position and utilize any of the available props (log, crossed sticks, vertical post).
-Muzzleloaders and Equipment: Any flintlock or percussion type muzzleloading rifles will be permitted. Participants are required to bring their own accessories, caps and powder. Muzzleloaders may have a set trigger, not to be set until ready to fire. Muzzleloaders may be equipped with a sling not to exceed 1-1/2 inches (3.81 centimeters) in width. Muzzleloaders may be loaded with a single patched lead ball or pure lead bullets. Muzzleloaders may be equipped with sporter type thumbhole stocks (non-adjustable).
The following will not be permitted for this event:
-Shooting mats
-Scopes or telescopic sights
-Spotting scopes
-Range finders
-Kneeling roll
-Adjustable competition sling swivels
-Competitive thumbhole stocks (adjustable)
-Metal jacketed bullets with sabots
-More than 60 grains of black powder or black powder substitute per load
-Muzzleloaders larger than 54 caliber
-Adapter kits that would change muzzleloader ignition
-Smokeless powder
-Open cans of powder on the shooting line (i.e., no caps on can)
-Pure lead bullets/balls weighing more than 385 grains
-Wooden ramrods
-Muzzleloading Procedures: Three (3) targets per bank with four shooters per table. Each target and loading station will be numbered and the shooter must load from that station.
-Numbered score sheets will be issued by the Chief Range Officer and will be scored by the line judge at each station. Shooters will be taken by order of number. Shooters must be present when their number is called or they will go to the bottom of the list.
-Each line judge will have a CO2 discharger. Line officers at each table will serve as safety officers, record the number of shots fired at each target and score all hits.
-No spotting and coaching from anywhere. No scope stands permitted.