​-The Orienteering Course is made up of several different disciplines required to properly navigate during a wilderness adventure. This competition has a variety of map reading, compass utilization, pacing, and math skills required to successfully navigate through the wilderness with the bare minimum of tools.
-There are two main components of the orienteering challenge; written exam and the field course.
-The written exam requires knowledge of map symbols, contour maps, latitude, longitude, declination, scaling, and compass utilization. When it comes to the field course, participants will be required to take the paperwork skills and apply them in a field course where they will estimate distance, consistently maintain a bearing while pacing a specified distance and correctly identify specific course markers throughout the field.
-Only magnetic compasses can be used on the Orienteering Skills Challenge course without tripods or other support. No orienteering books, encyclopedias or other written taped or transcribed material can be used in this activity. No talking will be allowed between the participants, instructors or other participants while on the course.
-Refer to the NRA's Hunter’s Guide, Be An Expert With Map and Compass Orienteering Handbook by Bjorn Kjellstrom and Your Way with Map and Compass Orienteering by John Disley. These Silva Compass publications may be purchased through Johnson Camping, P. O. Box 966, Binghamton, NY 13902, or by calling 1-800-847-1460.
-Team scoring will be based on the five individual’s scores who make up the team.